Monday, March 17, 2008

Nice Photoshop...

Helen took this and photo-shopped the colors into it. I'm hanging this one on my wall, it's turn one, right after the start, of Willow Springs.

Ten of us are about to enter turn one in a huge gaggle, we went three wide and Josh tried to make it four but dropped two tires, not that it slowed him much.

Anyway, I'm having some trouble with Google Video getting the movie night video uploaded, not Googles fault I'm sure it just seems that Adobe, who I swtiched to from Pinnacle to produce video, likes the idea of a flash video and Google takes eveything but a flash. The alternatives, so far, Google is unhappy with as well. As soon as I get it to work you'll see this entry from Josh's point of view, and I will spend the time to get it fixed up as soon as I can spare it from work, meanwhile enjoy Helen's photo.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hey - 4-wide would have worked if someone hadn't run me off the track! (cough, cough)