Friday, January 25, 2008

What I wish I knew...

...before I started racing that I know now, covers a lot of territory. What I have left to learn about racing is pretty dramatic as well. And while a lot of this blog is just bench-racing fun I’ve realized I can do a bit more with it than just link to video’s of Danica Patrick selling her ho ho’s (not that I have anything against delicious snack food, and while Legge may be the faster female driver, Patrick certainly… well...)

I can put up posts that are fun, and I can put up posts that cover what amounts to a driver’s manual for a Mazda GT. But it would do little good if I couldn’t separate the wheat from the chaff, the yin from the yang, the bada from the bing. Toward that end I’m creating a new feature, “The Driver’s Manual”, which will consist of all the posts I wish I had a chance to read before I got in the car the very first time. You can see it over on the right hand side, and this post is, in point of fact, its introduction.

As time goes on I’ll be adding more links, quotes from favorite sources and other drivers, and sundry goodness. A post will make it into the manual on only one condition. If I would have been better off having read it before I pushed the starter button the very first time.

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