Saturday, May 3, 2008

Experience Passes... Fast!

Battling with Thorpe, Jim, and Tom made day two at Sears Point (4/13/08) one of the most exciting yet. I wish I had more cameras on the car to show how close we all were but I’ll have to wait for Paul to add in everyone’s in-car footage for the next movie night. To be perfectly honest, I expected to win this one when I pulled several seconds ahead after dicing for position in the first few laps. I had posted the fastest qualifying time and figured I’d continue to pull away, much the same way that Thorpe did the day before. Imagine my surprise, though, when I got into traffic and watched all three of them move through the pack in my mirror with more skill than I’ll have for several years to come. I ended up finishing third in this one and learned some valuable lessons about focusing on the track and traffic ahead rather than my mirrors. Hats off to all three of them for running an amazing race!

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